
Ilfochrome print - Ed. 5 + 2APMounted face-in 1/4{quote} Plexiglas51 x 76 cm (20 x 30{quote})In his use of tile fragments on a bench of the Parque Guell, Gaudi places darker fragments within colored tiles; he makes the eye discover a spiral within the abstract composition. Thus, he infuses movement into stillness.
Knots, 2000

Ilfochrome print - Ed. 5 + 2AP 

Mounted face-in 1/4" Plexiglas 

51 x 76 cm (20 x 30") 

In his use of tile fragments on a bench of the Parque Guell, Gaudi places darker fragments within colored tiles; he makes the eye discover a spiral within the abstract composition. Thus, he infuses movement into stillness. 

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Laumont Editions Gallery is a leading source of conntemporary photographic and works on paper editions. 

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